Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Yoga ideas for Earth Day

In honor of Earth Day, April 22nd, try this fun activity with your child. Have them crouch down into Seed pose (resting child's pose). Tell them you will place pretend dirt on their back to plant the seed. Massage gently all over their back. Next water the seed with pretend water by gently tapping your fingers up and down their spine (this may elicit some giggles from your ticklish kids). Tell them the warm sun is coming out to shine on them and they should start to sprout into a plant or tree. You could have them say what they are or suggest tree or flower pose. After this activity, it is fun to plant some real seeds in potting soil together as you talk about ideas they have to help the earth. Happy Earth Day!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Family Yoga is a Great way to Connect with your Kid!

My Family Yoga class has filled for this series but there are many fun ways you can bring this experience home for your family.

The main thing to remember is the time together should be fun for you and your child.  Partner poses are a way to touch and connect.  Try the Seed to Tree game.  Pretend your child is a seed and have them move into child's pose or seed pose.  Gently place pretend dirt over them by massaging their back.  Next pretend to sprinkle water over them as you run your finger tips up and down their back.  Tell them the sun is coming out and have them start to sprout and grow into a tree. Help them into tree pose or do it with them.  Be sure to switch feet so each leg gets practice balancing.  Put both feet down and hang down in a forward bend. Gently sway like a willow tree.

Relax:  Children have such vivid imaginations, put them to use to help them relax and de-­stress. Try reading this visualization gently to your child.  This is an excerpt from The Wishing Star by Relax Kids founder Marneta Viegas. 

"Close your eyes and be very still. You are going to do an exercise to really feel your muscles stretching and then relaxing. Start with your face: can you open your eyes wide, and then your nose and mouth? Can you open your ears wide? And relax. Now see if you can stretch your hands as wide as you can. How big can you make your fists? Now let your fingers relax very, very slowly and let your hands drop down. And now stretch your arms as far away from your body as you can: stretch, stretch and stretch, then relax and let them become very heavy. Now stretch your neck as far as you can. And relax. And now feel your whole spine stretching up. And relaxing. Now stretch your legs; how far away from your body can you stretch your legs? And relax them. And finally your feet. Stretch your toes as far as you can. And then relax. Stay in this lovely relaxed position for as long as you can. And now, when you are ready, wiggle your fingers and toes, have a big stretch and open your eyes."