Sunday, November 21, 2010

Why Yoga???

Benefits of yoga for kids….

* Yoga helps improve strength and flexibility
* Yoga increases self-awareness, concentration, focus, and attention
* Kid’s yoga increases self-esteem as well as self-discipline
* Yoga decreases anxiety and increases ability to relax
* Yoga increases trust, compassion, teamwork and leadership skills of your children
* Yoga improves digestion and eases gas pains for children
* Yoga helps to release stress and teaches them to breathe well
* Yoga strengthens the immune system of kids

Some benefits of yoga for parents…

* Yoga improves parent and child bonding relationship
* Better sleep for parents, as your kids will be less of a handful
* Yoga reduces stress for both parents and kids
* Yoga builds parental confidence 

Yoga benefits for kids with special needs…
* By teaching self awareness, self control, and concentration, yoga can also help to manage children who have been diagnosed with ADHD – attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. Yoga has also been used with some success to help children with Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and autism. Yoga for kids has also been used to help kids with cancer cope with their diagnosis and with scary medical procedures.